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Pembrokeshire Group of Scottish Dance Clubs Saturday Social Dances ... at Letterson

Pembrokeshire is fortunate in having three separate Scottish Country Dance classes, each holding weekly sessions in their individual style. Some members attend two or three of those classes.

Pembrokeshire Group organises Saturday social dances open to all dancers and visitors.


Pembrokeshire Group dances are typically on Saturdays at the spacious Letterston Memorial Hall which has a good dance floor. Visitors are always welcome.


We have a social break in the dancing, generally with a bring and share supper.

Pembrokeshire Group:

Click the names for information​

Saturday Social Dances

Letterston Memorial Hall

102 St David's Road


Haverford West SA62 5SJ


For information contact:

Alan Williams, Secretary

Letterston Memorial Hall, 102 St David's Road, Letterston, Haverford West SA62 5SJ

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